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Celebrating Success and Unforgettable Experiences

Design Reel

Live Experience Reel

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With the inaugural National Career Development Conference on the horizon, the newly-formed National Career Association looked to Cybis to produce their very first live event! Starting off with an audience in the hundreds, Cybis was poised to support the event from pre-production all the way through to on-site execution. As with any new organization, NCA was also in need of a brand design, and Cybis was perfectly fit to serve all of their needs under one roof.

Following the creation of the NCA brand, Cybis got to work on the details. NCA emphasized how they wanted to go above and beyond for the first ever National Career Development Conference, to set the stage for future growth, so our pre-production began with conversations about creative and technical direction for the event. It was our goal to wow first-time event-goers and create an inspirational production experience for our true client: the audience!

During pre-production, the Cybis Team got to work connecting with the venue and coordinating all technical aspects of the event. Our audiovisual experts developed room and stage diagrams, along with gear lists and detailed production plans for the equipment Cybis provided. On the creative side, Cybis also developed the motion graphics and comprehensive design of the show. Providing Total Show Management and support meant Cybis had to make decisions about the stage design; video, audio, and lighting equipment; team staffing; and set building to create a program that was truly unforgettable.

When showtime finally arrived, Cybis brought our talented production team and stage manager to provide VIP coaching and leadership for this inaugural event. The NCDC serves as an opportunity to highlight members of NCA and recognize them for all of their achievements in career exploration programs. It was Cybis’ goal to elevate this organization and their mission through high quality production and creative elements. Seeing what was once an idea form into a complete organization with a clear brand and logo, to then seeing a stage and full event built around that brand, resulted in an immensely successful event with more opportunities ahead for Cybis and NCA!

Producing and Branding NCA
Total Show Management

With an anticipated live audience of over 12,000 attendees, HOSA-Future Health Professionals—like so many other organizations—had to bring their 2020 International Leadership Conference to a virtual platform.

This year, the Cybis Team flew to Dallas, TX to produce and broadcast the general sessions for HOSA’s online audience of over 6,000. Tucked away in a ballroom of the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center, our team built a full set equipped with an LED screen, neon accents, a brilliant reflective stage, full lighting, and haze for dramatic effect. The leadership rehearsed and presented on-stage as normal… with the contingencies of wearing masks and staying 6’ apart.

Team Cybis followed all of the safety precautions on-site as well to ensure that we created a healthy environment for our team and representatives from HOSA: one person per 6-foot table, mandatory masks to be worn at all times, temperature checks at the beginning of each work day, hand sanitizer available all over the room, online team documents, individual hotel rooms, and social distancing on and off the work-site.

Over the course of seven days, our team travelled, set up, rehearsed, broadcasted seven general sessions, and struck the whole set. We received rave reviews from HOSA staff, members, and online participants.

It was one of the best [sessions] ever, regardless of whether it was online or in person. — Jeff Koeninger, Director of HOSA, Inc.

We were proud to produce this flagship virtual event and showcase our potential for other organizations as the industry faces tough decisions over the upcoming months. Our team will continue to adapt to the changing times and demands of virtual events, but we can’t wait to get back to the live productions we love most. In the interim, our team will be serving clients virtually whether we are together, miles away, or just six feet apart.

In the Interim: Big Groups to Broadcasts
Event Technology

With live events temporarily on hold, Cybis has risen to new creative challenges to engage our virtual audiences. From April through May, we began production for five organizations and eight virtual events. Our goal was to create streamed awards shows that would serve as the “next best thing” to experiencing a live Cybis production.

Team Cybis is accustomed to rehearsing and executing productions, together, in perfect synchronized harmony with on-stage talent. Our greatest reward is the immediate feedback from an enthusiastic live audience. On this occasion, we adapted our passion, from our living rooms and kitchen counters, to continue serving Cybis’ mission – to inspire our audience to achieve.

Along with the leadership of our clients, Team Cybis collaborated from across the nation. We produced live streams through a detailed multi-level editing process, revisions, long rendering times, multiple reviews, and stream testing. We produced each virtual show with the same custom motion graphics; special speaker videos; exciting music mixes and professional announcers, that Cybis is known for.

The thousands of viewers who watched and re-watched the sessions confirmed the value this has had for so many. Cybis showed its ability to adapt and conquer the virtual event space for our loyal clients and wonderful student organizations.

There have been multiple positive comments about the quality and professionalism of tonight’s PA FBLA Virtual Awards of Excellence Program. I want to commend you for an outstanding job – well done. This is something that students will remember for a long time as a positive moment in their lives.
Bruce Boncal,
Pennsylvania FBLA Executive Director

As the situation evolves over the next couple months, Cybis is planning more creative approaches to gradually bring the “live” element back to events. We will build custom sets in commercial studios—featuring on-stage leaders in a single location again—and resume bringing our production team together (all with respect to social distancing, of course). These hybrid motivational and awards shows will be streamed live to viewers in their homes but possess much of the same magic as the typical live Cybis production. Featuring original designs, multiple cameras, powerful graphics and custom soundtracks, we are excited to continue making an impact on audiences across the nation.

Of course, we continue to count down the days until audiences can come together again and we hope to be right there with you!

Cybis' Virtual Conquest
Total Show Management

Cybis has had the privilege of producing BluJay Solutions’ annual SOAR event since it came to Orlando in 2018. BluJay’s global customer conference serves as a hub for networking professionals, influential individuals, and industry solutions. While their company focuses on providing solutions to their customers, our team is focused on creating solutions for the show.

With Cybis’ commitment to Total Show Management for all of our clients, we aim to fulfill promises by exceeding expectations. During the pre-production phase of this project, we listened to the BluJay team’s vision for the event, environment, and stage. What we gave them was a custom-built, client-inspired stage with multiple projection spaces, personalized lighting designs, and professional elegance to highlight the mission, message, and leadership of BluJay Solutions. When the BluJay team requested a different direction for on-screen content, we knew we could get the job done. And we did: with parallax motion graphics, industry-oriented imagery, and client-specific designs.

When showtime finally arrived, the Cybis team was all-hands-on-deck. We put our best people up front to direct the show and our secret weapon backstage to choreograph the show; every key member of our group was in a position to elevate the entire event experience. Since the talented people on our team tour with us for multiple events in our show season, they are equipped with the knowledge and experience of a smooth sailing production. We know we can count on our team to go above and beyond the call of duty so that our clients can count on Cybis for flawless excellence in their live event experience.

Cybis Solutions for BluJay SOAR
Scenic & Stage

As Cybis began its biggest project of the season, the HOSA-Future Health Professionals geared up for their biggest event: the annual International Leadership Conference. For over a decade, Cybis has supported HOSA’s biggest event of the year, both in significance to the organization and in audience size.

Simultaneously with the development of scripts, we began “setting the stage” in late March. In a meeting of Cybis’ creative leaders, we took inspiration from the 2019 theme “Define Your Purpose” to begin preliminary stage designs. Outfitted with a “book” as the centerpiece—two projection screens adjacent to one another—the exterior pieces of the stage began to take on the characteristics of a library. We added projection pieces on each side of the “book” to be used as “shelves,” where we projected books, scientific artifacts, medical tools, and conference information. But then, we wanted to do more! We extended the design horizontally with large parallelograms; to continue to build on the book theme, we projected book spines on to them with even more event information. And to top it off, we placed a marquee above the set to anchor the design and give residence to ticker text with overarching event content.

Iteration after iteration, we began to build on our stage renders. With the help of 3D mapping and animation software, we built the stage to scale, factoring in every detail including lighting and presenters on stage. We even added our new, custom-built, digital podium into the mix. In the end, we developed a design unique to the organization, the theme, and to our team.

By late June, the stage came to life. Serving as a place not only for award winners to receive their medals, plaques, and trophies, the HOSA stage set the foundation for future health professionals to begin their journeys. Cybis continues to support student leadership groups in an effort to better the generations of the future.

Setting the Stage for the Future
Scenic & Stage
Event Technology

Cybis is committed to providing red carpet treatment to all of our clients and guests — this year we fulfilled this promise literally at the Business Professionals of America’s National Leadership Conference. Right outside the Anaheim Convention Center Arena in California, we rolled out the red carpet as 6,000 members, advisors, and guests arrived on Opening night.

Fully equipped with a plush red carpet, gold stanchions, and enthusiastic host, everyone entering the arena was greeted like a true celebrity. The entire event was webcast live for those at home to see the excitement; everyone attending or watching remotely could tweet at us, which was also broadcast live. The red carpet pre-show aired for the audience already inside the arena, creating a totally unscripted presentation of enthusiastic members stoked about BPA and the NLC. We brought the lights, cameras, AND action with interviews, shout outs, and chants from states all over the nation.

This event element was just as exciting for Team Cybis as it was the attendees. Having so much energy from so many walks of life made our 45 minutes of red carpet one for the books. Many had never been on a red carpet or been in front of the camera, so this felt like an extraordinary experience for some, including a 3-year member of BPA who elaborated on the scene:

“It’s definitely something I’ve never experienced before, so it’s nice for us small town people to get to see. It’s amazing… definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us.”

Pre-Show Showcase
Event Technology
Total Show Management
Live Experience

Cybis recently produced video content for a global corporate meeting held by well-known brand, Hilton, which hosted their Marketing Summit in Denver, CO. International members of Hilton’s Marketing Team gathered for an interactive and engaging experience designed to make attendees feel motivated, connected, and inspired.

While the summit was intended to demonstrate the role that marketing plays in moving Hilton forward, Cybis was hired to execute the creative side of the message’s delivery. In the form of a newscast, Hilton hoped to relay some of their points in pre-produced news material that would tie in to the live “news-desk” presentations at the event.

As the Team came up with a series of pre-recorded segments to intertwine with the live production, Cybis was off to shoot D.C.-based interviews with Hilton executives. An action-packed trip full of growth stories, marketing tactics, catering contributions, and value propositions within the Hilton portfolio gave Cybis a plethora of quality content to work with. Simultaneously, other members of the Team produced a professional broadcast-quality animated news opener and ending segment for the newscast. With the swift and skillful development of these videos, The Hilton News Network—later adapted to be Hilton News Today—had finally come to fruition.

We are pleased to have maintained our standard of success in our new partnership with Hilton. Once again, Cybis proved our ability to excel at going above and beyond for our clients with polished corporate communication, exciting creativity, and ambitious enthusiasm to make our productions the best they can be.

Hilton Hospitality

Summer of 2018 marked a new milestone for Cybis as we took on the production of HOSA’s 41st Annual International Leadership Conference. For the first time in Cybis’ history, ~10,000 students and members gathered together in one enormous hall to celebrate the sheer magnitude of this future-focused organization and the importance of their mission.

With everything being bigger in Texas, the 2018 ILC in Dallas allowed Cybis the space to create something special. We came up with more creative ways to excite the members of HOSA-Future Health professionals: bigger screens, a large center stage entrance, and the set’s focal point:  a spherical globe projection screen. All of these elements were used to attract attention from every corner of the gigantic space.

To highlight the high-level goals of HOSA, Cybis coordinated a glorious introduction to the conference with a pyrotechnic show along with lazers and music as well as an exciting video to hype up the audience and bring awareness to the unique impact of the organization.

With a large audience comes large responsibility, and Cybis rose to the challenge. Pre-shows were a party, general sessions filled the hall with roars of excitement, and outros attracted crowds of students eager to take photos on the elaborate custom stage. Everyone in attendance left with elated energy, marking another successful production for Cybis and HOSA-Future Health Professionals.

Massive Mission
Event Technology
Total Show Management

For a rapidly advancing business like BluJay Solutions, obtaining and maintaining customers is the key to its growth and success as a supply chain software company. To celebrate the performance of their top companies and partners, BluJay prepared to host their second annual SOAR Customer Conference in Orlando, Florida, home of Cybis Communications.

Brian Toy, BluJay’s Director of Corporate Marketing, had worked with Cybis just three years before on a very successful corporate conference at another company. After recently reconnecting, Brian informed us he was so happy with our work, he wanted Team Cybis for an upcoming BluJay production.

With a new, exciting corporate event at hand, Cybis was prepared to support all of BluJay’s audio/visual needs from equipment to creative design and all the way up to total show management. Cybis’ blend of scenic and technical professionals allowed the team to conduct effective pre-planning and have the most acute attention to every detail in production.

Using Vectorworks, a 3D software tool, Cybis was able to plan, design, construct, and preview the fully built-out ballroom and stage before arriving to the venue.

Equipped with a custom lighting package including moving lights, beam lights, and a RoadHog4 lighting console, our team created a truly unique atmosphere by illuminating the stage, room, and walls with all of the colors from the SOAR theme.

Knowing that winners were to be announced and important messages needed to be heard, Cybis’ provided the audio console, speakers, and wireless microphones that contributed to an engaging and successful audio experience.

Last but not least, we brought BluJay to the big screen with 4K projectors, 75” LED monitors, and a completely custom show graphics package with high-definition animations and personalized introductions.

As setup began, the technical side of production was underway and preparation for the show commenced. Team Cybis understands that quality comes from rehearsals. “Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals” from lighting cues to speaking parts, from mic checks to graphics testing, from pre-show to outro. The solid technical execution Cybis is able to achieve is largely a result of this thorough preparedness. There is no facet of show production Cybis cannot support; and with this type of total show management, satisfaction from our clients is guaranteed.

Members of BluJay Solutions reported overjoyed reviews from customers and attendees, and are expecting increased attendance for the next customer conference. Brian Toy followed up with Cybis after the event to express his gratitude and pass along a positive message:

We’d like the same crew for next year. They were all awesome. Got compliments from the keynote speakers even that you all were some of the best production & stage crew they had ever worked with.

— Brian Toy, Director of Corporate Marketing, BluJay Solutions

Cybis Soars with AV
Total Show Management
Event Technology
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