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Design Reel

Live Experience Reel

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In preparation for HOSA’s International Leadership Conference―the first of its kind, including members from other countries around the world―Cybis used its 22 years of experience producing live shows to develop some of its most creative work. With an audience that required the use of two Disney resort ballrooms, Cybis needed to design two unique stages that would captivate those in each room. The team involved in the stage design process integrated some of Cybis’ most elaborate designs for the HOSA sets. Adorned with hand-made structures that shined and amazed, both stages were designed to be easily seen by over 10,000 attendees – both Cybis and HOSA’s largest audience in their decade of partnership.

Faced with such a large conference, the Cybis team was motivated to think outside the box and breathe extra creative life into the production. What the team came up with was all-encompassing―big stages with multiple screens, ballrooms full of color, lighting and construction of the stages used to create volume and depth on the set with different textures and dynamic designs―the integration of everything enveloped the action happening up front.

With the extravagant stage designs in place, it was up to the rest of the team to make everything flow together. Calculated stage choreography coupled with predetermined camera shots and dazzling graphics projected on a 60-foot LED video screen allowed us to highlight all of the important accomplishments of those dedicated to HOSA’s cause. Cybis not only wanted to celebrate HOSA’s 40th International Leadership Conference, but to also emphasize in a big way the critical need of health professionals in our society.

In order to convey the important message of this huge organization, the Cybis team came up with a purpose-driven video to kick off the beginning of the conference. The introduction portrayed HOSA’s mission while inspiring the audience to pursue the various health fields that exist and have yet to be created. The video incorporated the large LED screen as well as (12) 4K televisions and two 20-foot projection screens to physically emphasize the huge impact of HOSA-Future Health Professionals. In addition to communicating the benefits of joining a health profession and making a difference, the video itself was designed to catalyze the passions of the audience members and motivate them to “lead, learn, serve, and innovate.”

Stage for the Masses
Live Experience
Total Show Management

As members come and go through their organization’s multi-day conferences, they are often so caught up in all of the activities that they seem to be over as quickly as they began, with only a blur of amazing memories. Many forget to take time to document such an important part of their journey as students and business leaders. While Cybis strives to create the best experiences possible in the present, the team also aims to capture and preserve the spirited emotions of those that attend.

By having photographers and videographers always around during workshops and presentations, our team is able to seize the happiest faces, most exciting times, and sheer authenticity of these moments. Cybis consolidates the highlights of the event into a video that allows attendees to “ThinkBack” on their experiences leading up to the conclusion of the conference.

While anticipation for the excitement of the closing session grows, the Cybis team works hard to not only put on an entertaining show but also bring all of the greatest moments together. These memories are edited into a ThinkBack video with a moving soundtrack right onsite to present for the hundreds or thousands of attendees. These videos become available online after the event to forever be a part of an organization’s successful journey to professional leadership.

ThinkBack On It

One of the most difficult undertakings in life is not only being able to capture a moment, but also being able to create one. With a speciality in total show management, Cybis Communications has the ability to integrate all aspects of live show production to truly make an experience memorable for its audiences around the country.

In 2016, the Business Professionals of America celebrated their 50th Anniversary since the organization’s foundation. 50 years of molding young adults into the future business professionals of the world is an accomplishment that truly deserved to be recognized. Given the fortunate opportunity, Cybis integrated pre-production, identity development, script writing, lighting, audio, stage design, and post-production to capture all that BPA has accomplished and what it genuinely means to be part of the organization. In a unique, creative, and heartfelt effort to make the conference special for everyone in attendance, Cybis was able to create a moment for the audience to celebrate the remarkable opportunities that the Business Professionals of America has granted its members and the significant impact it has made on their lives.

Aside from focusing so much of the conference theme around the importance of the anniversary, the Cybis team utilized its creative expertise by kicking off the opening session with a pinnacle celebratory moment following the parade of flags. In a short video featuring the year’s national officer team, Cybis highlighted the Business Professionals of America’s greatest values and achievements on top of an inspirational soundtrack that not only moved the audience but also amplified their anticipation. With the combination of the officer team and representatives from all the states on stage, the finale of the video, timing of the on-screen image, and explosion of streamers and music, Cybis elegantly produced an impactful moment that engaged the audience and highlighted this significant milestone in the organization’s history.

Making A Moment
Total Show Management
Live Experience

The name Coco Chanel brings to mind luxurious fashions. Diamond and crystal studded styles for the high society individual. This prestigious brand merges tradition with innovative design. Cybis got in on the glitz and glam of Chanel’s fashion shows by creating a brand video with the mission to keep it classy. High fashion runway models sport various Chanel products and bass notes bounce along with spotlights on the famous logotype.

Coco Chanel

Louis Vuitton is one of the world’s leading international fashion houses of leather patterned bags and fashions. Their products are world renowned for sophistication and a legacy brand. Cybis brings the luxury in their video for the famous company. A jazzy overture pumps Parisian charm while high fashion profiles depict style through the decades. The promotional video also demonstrates the expert craftsmanship that goes into every work of art.

Louis Vuitton

The DECA experience is unique – it’s big, it’s bold, it’s unforgettable, it’s epic. This year’s membership promo video celebrates DECA’s members who create memories that will last forever, make friends they’ll know for years and go to educational conferences they’ll wish never ended.

We put together a compelling video that combines the excitement of being in DECA with the real-life opportunities it presents to students.-Austin Rieker, Cybis Motion Graphics Designer

But don’t take it from us… See what DECA members had to say:

Just watched the Be Epic Membership Video! LEFT ME SPEECHLESS!!! #BEDECAEPIC‏-Cindy K., Nevada DECA

That is everything I’ve ever wanted in a membership video, and more. #beDECAepic‏-Merissa M, Washington DECA

You can’t look at this and not want to join DECA!‏-Gabe G., Georgia DECA

The 2015-2016 DECA membership video is here and it’s definitely…EPIC! #beDECAepic-DECA, Inc.

Epic Promo Video

Nothing brings families together like the time honored tradition of searching out the yearly Christmas tree. Not any Christmas tree will do, however. We join one such family in their quest to find The Perfect Tree. Each family member has a different idea of what makes a tree “perfect” however mom has the final say. We track the family’s adventure through the forest as they go from fir to fir and, just as the day is drawing to an end, a magical moment occurs. Cybis was on site to film the family’s journey through the woods, using camera rigs, tracking, and even a drone shot of the magical landscape to convey our tale. This LED video for the Mall at Millenia’s Grand Court envelopes the magical wonder of the Holiday Season, and wraps everyone in the warm sentiment of what Christmas is truly about.

The Perfect Tree

After completing eight successful projects for the Bush Administration, Cybis was called to Washington, D.C. again in 2008 for one final opportunity to showcase some Presidential storytelling magic. Our task was to help communicate the Bush Administration’s successes on its international efforts to create sustainable economies in oppressed countries.  With an assembly of high-level diplomats and activists, the Cybis creative team knew this project required more than just a fancy logo.  In collaboration with TRI Leadership Resources, the Cybis-TRI partnership put its teams’ best together to accomplish this honorable challenge.

In order to make the White House Summit beyond what anyone could imagine, it needed a memorable brand and identity complete with stage design, video, signage, and print materials, along with a show that flowed and communicated the emotions of world-changing U.S. aid policies.

On top of these creative responsibilities, the difficulties of working to impress a high-profile audience; making late-night, last-minute changes (every night); and having to evacuate during a security sweep minutes before show time, the project pushed the limits for a young company like Cybis… but by collaborating with Team TRI, it was nothing they couldn’t handle with confidence. The agile, small but powerful teams of creative technicians moved quickly and effectively over all the obstacles and delivered an event that was flawless, memorable, and globally praiseworthy.

In the end, the sharply designed banners, signage, print collateral, staging, lighting, video elements, and logistics/planning leadership from Team TRI engaged VIPs from the moment they entered the door through to the program’s emotional conclusion. It made all of Cybis proud, both for how our great country has helped support such important international causes, and because of our own team’s effort to help communicate and promote it.

“This project was a great example of the quality we deliver when we are the total provider. The extra-level of quality control we had over the entire process, combined with our youthful and driven spirit, enabled us to make it great…not just settle.” Jeff Douglass, CEO

White House Summit on International Development
Total Show Management

After completing eight successful projects for the Bush Administration, Cybis was called to Washington, D.C. again in 2008 for one final opportunity to showcase some Presidential storytelling magic. Our task was to help communicate the Bush Administration’s successes on its international efforts to create sustainable economies in oppressed countries.  With an assembly of high-level diplomats and activists, the Cybis creative team knew this project required more than just a fancy logo.  In collaboration with TRI Leadership Resources, the Cybis-TRI partnership put its teams’ best together to accomplish this honorable challenge.

In order to make the White House Summit beyond what anyone could imagine, it needed a memorable brand and identity complete with stage design, video, signage, and print materials, along with a show that flowed and communicated the emotions of world-changing U.S. aid policies.

On top of these creative responsibilities, the difficulties of working to impress a high-profile audience; making late-night, last-minute changes (every night); and having to evacuate during a security sweep minutes before show time, the project pushed the limits for a young company like Cybis… but by collaborating with Team TRI, it was nothing they couldn’t handle with confidence. The agile, small but powerful teams of creative technicians moved quickly and effectively over all the obstacles and delivered an event that was flawless, memorable, and globally praiseworthy.

In the end, the sharply designed banners, signage, print collateral, staging, lighting, video elements, and logistics/planning leadership from Team TRI engaged VIPs from the moment they entered the door through to the program’s emotional conclusion. It made all of Cybis proud, both for how our great country has helped support such important international causes, and because of our own team’s effort to help communicate and promote it.

“This project was a great example of the quality we deliver when we are the total provider. The extra-level of quality control we had over the entire process, combined with our youthful and driven spirit, enabled us to make it great…not just settle.” Jeff Douglass, CEO

Partners for Presidential Success
Total Show Management
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