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Design Reel

Live Experience Reel

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Hello, 你好, Hallo, Hola, Ola, ሰላም, Hej, Bonjour, Aloha,¡Hola!, Hej…

However you spell it, “Writing on Glass” is a powerful piece that connects cultures from around the world.

The abstract presentation is on display daily at one of the top 10 malls in the world.

Writing on Glass

See the screens become a window into an underwater world. Strings of bubbles rise to the surface as oversized fantail goldfish and and eclectic assortment of other sea creatures swish from screen to screen. Joining them underwater: a siren like model, fully dressed in an extravagant couture gown her long hair and dress flowing slowly and graciously with the currents.

This undersea showcase of beauty and grace transforms the Grand Court of the world famous Mall at Millenia, displaying the aquatic ballet to thousands of international visitors every day.

World of Water

Every artist has a mode of media that they excel in. Whether it’s by paint brush, pencil, or mouse… Creativity flows within us all, just waiting for the right moment to escape and bring vibrance to the world. For Georgia FBLA members, their expressive release is through Leadership. They are – Leaders by Design.

Traditional art will always be an important form of illustration but as modern technology advances, one must adapt with the times. We imagine Georgia FBLA as the designer’s workshop – filled with the all the tools behind great leadership design. Some tools are age-old – used for decades by the masters. Some tools are on the cutting edge – involving the latest technology. We’ve represented both old and new by weaving together analog design (paper, pencils, swatches) with digital design (cursors, palettes, work area windows) for a playful allusion.

In this identity, note the custom flowing calligraphy that demands attention while counterbalancing a strong contemporary font with depth and impact as if pressed into the page. The custom color palette takes cues from Crayola and Pantone with playfully themed names – each one denoting traits of FBLA members striving to succeed. Observe the little things embedded into the design like the marquee tool, as well as a balancing act of customizing the L into a pencil for a conventional touch.

Expect further application of the identity to create a tapestry of design through the ages, leading us right up to the twenty-first century of Pantone Color, crop marks, and digital design. Imagine a journey, from concept to creation, that relishes even the little steps – like the enormous impact the seemingly mundane task of choosing a color has on a finished design. Similarly, to a member of Georgia FBLA, the simple act of choosing a competitive event can mean the difference in a good career path and a great one!

So sharpen your pencils and let’s sketch up our future as we introduce our identity for Georgia FBLA – Leaders by Design!

Page Turning Design

When one of our longest standing clients needed a compelling promotional video, they called on Cybis to deliver. Shot on-site in Seattle, Washington, we captured interviews of members and advisors, and built a compelling edit that shared the vision behind Washington DECA, and called for support from local business leaders and teachers to mentor the next generation of leaders in business.

Washington DECA Partner Promo

Inspired by an industrial atmosphere of heavy machinery, this year’s identity will alert everyone that Georgia FCCLA is on its way to the top. It may even hurt their ears! Members will feel enthralled to push through whatever hardships may fall their way and emerge a winner.

The logo was inspired by modern-day warning signs. Warnings and alerts are typically bold and easy to read in a hurry. We followed the same approach here. The word “code” is small, yet it draws your eye toward the center, thus allowing you to experience the alarming size of the word “RED.” Its simplicity delivers an urgent message.

Everything in this identity has a worn, rough treatment. The rugged look in this logo symbolizes the hardships that one must go through to accomplish greatness. Striped lines run across the top and bottom as a sign of caution. The symbol for high voltage rests behind the logo as sparks ignite from both sides, electrifying FCCLA’s Leadership.

Sound The Alarm
Total Show Management

When Cybis partnered with the Orlando EDC to create a unique experience for audience members at the One Orlando Summit, we knew we wanted to deliver an engaging feature that would energize attendees to support the growth of central Florida.

So, we brought the power of mobile technology to the event. Leveraging the latest interactive apps, we connected with attendees throughout the three-day summit to provide exclusive behind-the-scenes facts and interactive polls directly on attendees’ phones. Users could answer questions, and communicate with on-stage presenters in real-time. And it didn’t end when they left the ballroom. The content continued to update even as attendees participated in several tours around the Orlando region.

Connect To Your Audience
Live Experience
Event Technology

In today’s high school environment, being career-focused, college-ready, and passionate is the cool thing to do. To help National HOSA increase awareness, drive membership, and continue to position its brand as the varsity starter squad of future health professionals, we developed the “It Looks Good On You” campaign.
We used our insight into HOSA’s history and brand identity to guide our brainstorming process. We worked to narrow down to something that’s relatable and current, but that will also last a long time.
Within these creative boundaries, we created a modern healthcare hero alter ego. The final designs show high-quality images of familiar student life (high school lockers, surfing and studying), while the other half shows a glimpse of an empowering future: scrubs and a stethoscope, a nurse’s face mask. There’s no better way to inspire future HOSA members to picture themselves in a future healthcare career.

See more HOSA posters here.

It Looks Good on You

We know how powerful an atypical event space can be. That’s why we do whatever it takes to embrace and build around unique venues to transform them into breathtaking live show spaces.

When we flew in to support TRI Leadership Resources’ Preserve America Summit at the historical U.S. Custom House, this one-of-a-kind New Orleans venue was still recovering from recent Hurricane Katrina damage. The city was just getting on its feet again, and while the incredible, distinctive architectural style of this venue was visually stunning, it wasn’t meant to be an event space.

With reconstruction just beginning, utility services unreliable, and literally holes in the floor, this special space was worth every effort to transform and make suitable for the First Lady.-Jeff Douglass, Executive Producer

Yet, we simply knew that the event had to be in this unique space. And that meant we had to get creative. We got to work knowing we had to make this old-world venue suit our new-world technology.

To work around the massive columns that peppered the event floor, we brought in risers to create a raised seating areas for several hundred people. We used photos and measurements to create a 3D rendering of the room to guarantee that every seat in the house could see the projection screens — which we adjusted and flipped vertically to suit the space, as well. To ensure the safety of every participant, we coordinated with a structural engineer to certify that the room would be able to hold the weight of the risers, participants, and equipment.

The result: A stunning event and not a bad seat in the house!

Unique Venue, Unique Experience
Scenic & Stage

Awesome. That’s the only way to describe the infectious enthusiasm of motivational speaker Aric Bostick. After Aric gave a life-changing keynote at one of our events in Washington, D.C., it was a thrill to partner with him to produce an epic, cinematic trailer highlighting his incredible message for students.

You guys are AWESOME!! I am so happy, you exceeded expectations. I look forward to our next project together.-Aric Bostick, Motivational Speaker

Aric Bostick: Fit For a Hero
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