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Celebrating Success and Unforgettable Experiences

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DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Our annual promotional video included real DECA members sharing their incredible experiences.

Thrive: Membership Campaign

Cybis Communications and Business Professionals of America collaborated and made history while hosting the Opening General Session on the lawn of the Washington Monument! At our first-time outdoor event, Team Cybis exceeded the trials of unexpected weather conditions, while a little rain didn’t dampen the students’ spirits either.

Three separate venues, complete show management, audiovisual support, and a unique event brand design working cohesively together, ensured that the +5,000 attendees had the time of their lives at this conference.

Clayton Carter, Cybis’ Creative Director who just celebrated his 10 year anniversary with the company, constructed an intro video for this conference that really stood out from the rest! The combination of still images, video, and audio of some of the most pivotal speeches held in D.C. history, made this show opener one to remember.

“We were excited to provide the audience with a true taste of our nation’s capital by holding the Opening Session on the National Mall, enveloping the crowd with history and iconic D.C. landmarks.”-Chase Simonds, Associate Producer

This National Conference will definitely Stand Out for years to come and we are honored to be a part of something so “monumental.”

A Monumental Occasion
Live Experience
Event Technology
Scenic & Stage

When Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) was seeking a new look for their annual awards program booklet, they turned to Cybis for a sophisticated print design. Held in Washington D.C., the National Leadership Awards event commands attention, bringing together top education and political leaders from across the nation. With a sophisticated layout and color palette reminiscent of our nation’s capitol, this clean-cut look illustrates the transition from student leader to young professional.

A Fresh New Look

With dozens of presentations, Americas Hernia Society trusted Cybis to manage and execute all of their presentations for the Annual Hernia Repair. Bringing together top surgeons from North and South America, the four day event hosts back-to-back presentations and workshops throughout multiple rooms.

From uploading and editing presentations at the tech stations, to ensuring speakers have an opportunity to practice with the actual software and hardware, our talented team of technicians guided each presenter through the process. After leaving our full-service Speaker Ready Room, speakers felt confident that their presentation would be cued up at the exact moment they walked on stage.

It’s exciting to be part of an event with top medical research experts from around the world. We treat each presentation like it’s the most important topic of the day.”-Michelle Garcia, Cybis Event Productions Coordinator

AHS Expert Data Management
Event Technology
Total Show Management

Cybis proudly produced the DECA Central Region Leadership Conference (CRLC) in Omaha, Nebraska, causing the chilly winter temperatures to rise with a savanna-inspired stage design. The theme “Wild About DECA” was fueled by highly contrasted reds and oranges paired with jungle animal-print graphics. Team Cybis transformed the CenturyLink Center ballroom into a sizzling jungle oasis with fresh foliage, custom graphics, and high-end lighting fixtures.

Again, thanks for everything. You brought our vision to life and I can’t express how proud I was to have you on our conference team!-Nicole Coffey, Nebraksa Department of Education

Walk on the Wild Side
Live Experience
Scenic & Stage

As all of the big names and leaders of Orlando’s travel and tourism industry accepted their invitations to the prestigious Insights and Marketing Luncheon, hosted annually by Visit Orlando, Team Cybis’ wheels were spinning. We were collaborating on the perfect way to energize a group that was so close to our home and hearts.

Cybis pitched the theme Connect360, and presented it alongside a glowing circle identity that perfectly exemplified Visit Orlando’s mission. The dynamic approach symbolized the importance of these countless leaders coming together and connecting as one, and the unique stage design brought this brand to life.

The circular designs came to life in a four dimensional manner with the help of a stellar lighting display that made them appear as if they were floating in the middle of the stage. Coupled with the seamless video graphic content Cybis provided, Connect360 was a sleek and smooth theme that left the audience feeling unified.

Connecting The Dots
Live Experience
Scenic & Stage

From the identity concept, through final event production, our corporate client received the total Cybis treatment. We developed a custom theme (“Roar”) for their annual internal promotion, and then expanded that identity with a custom intro video and motion graphics presentation for the announcement of the winners of their prestigious Cupola Awards.

CNL Stylish Corporate Theater
Live Experience
Event Technology

Covering all aspects of the industry – from chefs and restaurateurs to cookbook authors and food journalists to restaurant designers and architects and more – the James Beard Foundation Awards are the highest honors for food and beverage professionals working in North America. When the Semi-finalist Announcement Press Conference went to Florida, Visit Orlando teamed up with Cybis to host the culinary spectacle and stream it live across the nation. With a dash of local flare, the webcast provided a taste of Orlando’s vibrant culinary scene to a national audience.

Mouthwatering Broadcast
Event Technology

Cybis designed and executed a live game show pre-show, including custom motion graphics animation for students at Business Professionals of America’s National Leadership Conference.

The Ultimate Pop Quiz
Event Technology
Live Experience
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