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What does it mean to be a member of one of the nation’s leading student organizations for future business leaders? Take closer look at this promotional video what we customized for every state!

Customized Promo Videos

Cybis was proud to support the premier learning event for HR, payroll and store operations professionals, Empower Focus. Hosted by Empower Software Solutions, this corporate event needed a fun, brand that could come to life to captivate the audience. From the motion graphics, to video elements, to the main stage, Cybis delivered a fresh, jungle-reminiscent look that won’t soon be forgotten.

We have been told that our show was one of the best attendees have ever experienced – this is from people who have been to many conferences from big names like Oracle, ADP, etc. We look forward to working with you again next year!-Brian Toy, Empower Software Solutions Marketing Specialist

Thank you so much for the awesome work on Empower Focus. We have received so many raves and compliments about the show, and I know that we could not have pulled it off without your team. They were uber professional and I enjoyed working with them all.-Tiffany Ryan, Empower Software Solutions Marketing Specialist

Power Up
Scenic & Stage
Total Show Management

Think larger than life with our stage set for FBLA-PBL’s National Leadership Conference: Excellence in Action! Boasting illuminated truss reaching over twenty feet in the air, this stage design has a raw and edgy feel. Add in an oversize center screen with additional flat screen monitors displaying custom, themed graphic content to match, and it’s showtime!

The National Stage
Scenic & Stage
Event Technology

The challenge: Hold a large general session and several break-out sessions in the same room, back to back.

A unique, invitation-only event, bringing together over 500 of our nation’s leading education innovators and institutional investors, the Aspen Institute’s Education Innovation Forum & Expo was a showcase of Cybis event technology.

In addition to developing the event’s identity, collateral, signage, and overall design, we turned one of the Washington Convention Center’s exhibit halls into a multi-purpose event space. Using dual-projection screens and two sets of projectors, we simply ‘flipped the switch’ allowing fresh content to be viewed from either side as attendees flowed from large general session into smaller break-out sessions on either side.

It was a true measure of our team’s resourcefulness that was able to have a large impact on the client’s bottom line.-Jeff Douglass, Founder & CEO
Back to Back
Scenic & Stage
Total Show Management

What starts as a sketch develops into a full architectural structure in this video commercial for Grubb & Ellis. Symbolizing the journey from dream to reality, our motion graphics visually represent the mission of this real estate giant.

Laying The Foundation

To highlight the spectacular work of Orlando’s only Level One trauma center, Cybis teamed up with the Orlando Health Foundation to create this emotionally-charged video. Recounting the events of a real tragedy, the story comes to life through still photography and first-hand accounts of the events. We were proud to highlight the work of Central Florida’s miracle workers.

Emotionally Charged

Marking our second major entré into broadcast media, we landed an incredible opportunity through Impulse Creative Group to produce background graphics for Pitbull’s performance on the season finale of X-Factor 2012. Big opportunities often come with big challenges, and this opportunity had its share of obstacles. Namely, it needed to be done in just a few days for rehearsals in L.A. to begin. Oh yeah, and the set design called for seven screens worth of content.

So, we ordered some pizza, strapped on our headphones (and our Pitbull shades) and got to work..

The nearly four-minute performance was set to Pit’s latest hit at the time: “Don’t Stop the Party”. The hip-hop mastermind wanted the visuals to transport the audience to a frosty, ice-like club-scene with a futuristic twist. No problem! Our designs were packed with ice-cold crystals, and chilling color palette contrasted with steamy go-go girl silhouettes and hot lights.

Pitbull and his team at Impulse were blown away – and so was the nation. With just the right amount chill and few blasts of all-out action, the crew at X-Factor said the graphics were some of the best they’d ever seen used on their screens.

We've Got That X-Factor
Scenic & Stage
Live Experience

DECA and Cybis have done it again! For this year’s membership video we took the theme “I AM DECA” and ran with it. What better way to showcase a focus on YOU than to show us your selfie? Tomorrow’s entrepreneurs are more connected than ever and grabbing their attention is no easy feat. For this membership video we wanted to not only showcase the excitement and appeal of DECA, but to do so in a way that is relatable and memorable for our target audience.

Showcasing the DECA organization through the medium of selfies was a challenge the Cybis creative team was eager to take on. Inspired by a “photo a day” concept, we began pulling together ideas of how to translate the idea of membership through the day-to-day experiences of real life students. It became clear that this had to be done over the course of several months, utilizing numerous locations and contacts. Armed with GoPros, our team set off to Sugar Land Texas to capture the ins & outs of a typical school day for DECA members. Participating in anything from meetings to exploring a pep-rally, we explored the full gamut of on-campus life. From there we took our team to Anaheim, California for the International Career Development Conference, the annual event for DECA’s 18,000 members. Finding our Sugarland students was our first priority upon arrival but we also made sure to follow several other groups during our time in Anaheim, making this the most broadly captured conference in our history with the organization.

10 cameras and 200GB+ of footage later it was time for our editing team in Orlando to bring our story together. Branching out from the standard educational based promo focus we opted to highlight involvement and participation on the student level.

“It was refreshing to see membership through the experiences of actual students. Cybis definitely took that out of the equation and made it easy for me as an editor to keep the momentum and excitement alive from start to finish. I almost wish I could go back in time to experience the benefits of being a DECA member myself!”Kathryn Porter, Cybis Editor

This new approach was a win-win for both our team at Cybis & DECA. Standing at over 28 thousand views on YouTube, this promotion not only provides an in-depth look of the organization but prompts social media awareness to boot!

What a fantastic video! I truly believe that this video will help with recruitment this Fall!-Anna H (YouTube)

Watching the I am DECA membership video makes me wish I could rewind and go back to ICDC @DECAInc-Nicole S (Twitter)

The @DECAInc membership video looks phenomenal! Great work to all those who put it together. @jjscudderdeca @decachrisyoung-Christian W (Twitter)

Story by Selfie

For HOSA’s 2013 National Leadership Conference, Cybis debuted a state-of-the-art projection mapping set.

Over two months, we designed and produced the entire stage from the ground up: beginning with the initial concepts and renders, through the physical construction of nearly forty 3D cubes, the technical logistics of flawlessly blending four high-powered projectors, and the creative design and animation for nearly 300 graphics which displayed behind the on-stage talent.

The biggest challenge was reinventing our approaches for so many elements of the 3D set. Never before had we designed content around a 3D surface, let alone rendered them in a format that would seamlessly play and map across this many projectors. It’s a huge testament to our team’s dedication to answer so many unknowns without running a full-scale test until we were on-site.”– Allen Ellis, Senior Creative Producer

The 40’ wide by 16’ canvas presented a unique way to display the session’s content, while showcasing stunning imagery. The dimensional set also featured a VIP archway for high-profile VIP’s and an overhead, floating beam with continually scrolling content.

The most inspiring part of this project was the way we brought all of our departments together. Our stage designers were working with our scriptwriters and graphics designers to coordinate the blocking and graphic layouts for each of the show’s most pivotal moments.– Danny Spors, Associate Producer

Build a Better You
Live Experience
Scenic & Stage
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