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Celebrating Success and Unforgettable Experiences

Design Reel

Live Experience Reel

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When challenged with creating an innovative stage design for HOSA’s National Leadership Conference, we knew that an ordinary rectangle screen was not going to cut it. Drawing from elements in the identity, our team custom-fabricated a unique, S-curve screen to enhance the conference’s theme, “Shape the Future”.

Any Shape Any Size
Event Technology
Scenic & Stage

For Florida FBLA, we designed a dynamic show to illustrate why Tomorrow Begins Today! Students from around the state of Florida competed with one another in events for Future Business Leaders. The show and stage design channeled this aspect of the future with an energizing lighting display and pulse pounding up-and-coming music to complement the futuristic conference identity. In addition to fabulous ambiance, Cybis incorporated an interactive pre show, inviting participants to the stage to show what makes them future leaders.

Cybis is the most creative, cooperative, innovative AV company that exists!-Jody Jones, Florida FBLA State Adviser

Tomorrow Begins Today
Event Technology

Because Cybis offers Total Show Management, we are able to completely tailor a live experience, ranging from the initial creative sketches to the final event production. One of the core components of this execution is a well-crafted script.

For Pennsylvania FBLA, we were tasked with producing an entire event around the theme Excellence in Action. Almost immediately, our scriptwriters got to work outlining our client’s goals for the event, and tailoring pivotal moments in the script’s message around their theme, Excellence in Action.

One way we pride ourselves is how we directly involve ourselves with the on-stage VIPs well in advance of the event. Several months out, we solicit their feedback and ideas for the show, giving them a unique, direct opportunity to craft their message with us from the very beginning, since they, after all, will be the ones on-stage ready to inspire their peers!

At Cybis, our scriptwriters work in tandem with our creative team, our client, and their VIPs to prepare scripts that are engaging and represent our client’s theme, and broader message, to the fullest.

Excellence in Scriptwriting
Total Show Management

Venture – a single word with endless meaning for Washington DECA. And with that one word, Cybis designed an entire brand to support the school year and two state conferences.

By definition, venture means to take on a daring challenge, packed with considerable risk. The design incorporates three core icons associated with this special adventure. To a DECA member, the binoculars symbolize going the distance, and looking ahead toward their future. The flame represents the passion shared by DECA members, and the compass reminds members that DECA is their guide as they set a course to achieve their goals

The versatile design was adapted to numerous platforms, including posters, t-shirts, event programs, and other marketing collateral.

Washington DECA Bold Brand Design

When Universal Studio’s tourism partner Visit Orlando needed last-minute support for the International Pow Wow (IPW) travel and tourism conference in Chicago, they turned to CYBIS, and we delivered.

“Sometimes our clients stumble upon an opportunity to impact their audience that wasn’t in their long term communications plan. No matter the turnaround time, we’re always able to deliver something that goes beyond their expectations.”
Cybis Founder, Jeff Douglass

For IPW 2014, CYBIS designed and delivered a 16-ft 3D “Orlando” sign and a 45-minute onscreen presentation with custom animation that cemented Visit Orlando President and CEO George Aguel and the 59-million visitor strong City of Orlando itself as exciting and bold!

But why stop there? We also partnered with the Visit Orlando marketing department to craft a powerful live production and digital media presentation with last-minute, high-impact graphics from the top theme parks in the world. The ultimate goal? Helping Visit Orlando show, not tell, its international audience what makes Orlando the exhilarating destination spot it is.

Ultimate Press Conference
Live Experience
Scenic & Stage

Expanding on our annual theme of Imagine, Believe, Become for National BPA, we prepared a fall mailing campaign that delivered thousands of postcards, booklets and flyers to high schools across the country, promoting membership and their annual national conference.

BPA National Mailing Campaign

For the debut of Pennsylvania FBLA’s annual State Leadership Conference, we prepared a captivating opening sequence that inspired members to seek the greatness within themselves. All of the photos began as still images which we masked and composited into a virtual 3D environment.

The Quest for Greatness

We dove beneath the waves to develop this refreshing stage design for Georgia FBLA’s State Leadership Conference. Curved truss supported waves of flowing fabric and glistening curtains, lit with the colors of the sea. The design also featured a suspended series of canvas cubes projected with key session content.

Beneath The Waves
Scenic & Stage
Live Experience

At our premier live outdoor event, Cybis debuted a one-of-a-kind opening sequence to excite and inspire thousands of BPA members.

We began by including iconic moments from the steps of the Nation’s Capital and wove them into a dramatic, compelling intro sequence to inspire our audiences to also Stand Out From the Crowd.

To achieve the cinematic effect, each scene in the video began as a daytime flat photo, which was then projected into a virtual 3D environment, with added layers of ambient particles and light composited above, and color grading to convert it to twilight. The result was a breathtaking intro sequence that left our audience breathless until the climactic finale.

Stand Out From the Crowd: Epic Opening Sequence
Event Technology
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