When Is The Best Time To Book A/V?

February 28, 2025

The first client to confirm an event date will receive the best rates; it’s the difference between equipment potentially sitting on a shelf idle or being used for your spectacular show. It’s not unusual for production companies to offer many free or greatly discounted upgrades when they know the gear is available. In fact, so many of our contracts say things like “8 moving lights” but for early contracts, we’ll bring out twice as many just because we can! I’d rather see your show be the best it can be than have our gear collect dust. Many production companies would rather make a better impression by “throwing in” another dozen cool lights, upgrading to brighter projection, or even bringing out some special stage design elements from the shop for the client who has booked early. When clients commit in advance, it’s easier to offer these incentives – and you and your audience win!! Rates tend to be hire when equipment is already booked or scarce during event dates.

Cybis has many events booked through 2024 but we’ve recently become very transparent about our “off-season.” In particular, between July 2019 and January 2020, we are especially aggressive about adding events to our calendar. This helps us plan ahead, invest in new equipment, and lock in the best talent long in advance.

If you have an event coming up, please contact us right away so we can start the conversation. I want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and if the dates are wide open, you’ll definitely receive the best bang for the buck!!


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