After completing eight successful projects for the Bush Administration, Cybis was called to Washington, D.C. again in 2008 for one final opportunity to showcase some Presidential storytelling magic. Our task was to help communicate the Bush Administration’s successes on its international efforts to create sustainable economies in oppressed countries.  With an assembly of high-level diplomats and activists, the Cybis creative team knew this project required more than just a fancy logo.  In collaboration with TRI Leadership Resources, the Cybis-TRI partnership put its teams’ best together to accomplish this honorable challenge.

In order to make the White House Summit beyond what anyone could imagine, it needed a memorable brand and identity complete with stage design, video, signage, and print materials, along with a show that flowed and communicated the emotions of world-changing U.S. aid policies.

On top of these creative responsibilities, the difficulties of working to impress a high-profile audience; making late-night, last-minute changes (every night); and having to evacuate during a security sweep minutes before show time, the project pushed the limits for a young company like Cybis… but by collaborating with Team TRI, it was nothing they couldn’t handle with confidence. The agile, small but powerful teams of creative technicians moved quickly and effectively over all the obstacles and delivered an event that was flawless, memorable, and globally praiseworthy.

In the end, the sharply designed banners, signage, print collateral, staging, lighting, video elements, and logistics/planning leadership from Team TRI engaged VIPs from the moment they entered the door through to the program’s emotional conclusion. It made all of Cybis proud, both for how our great country has helped support such important international causes, and because of our own team’s effort to help communicate and promote it.

“This project was a great example of the quality we deliver when we are the total provider. The extra-level of quality control we had over the entire process, combined with our youthful and driven spirit, enabled us to make it great…not just settle.” Jeff Douglass, CEO

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