This identity underscores the personal and professional challenges shared by trauma victims and the team at ORMC’s Level One Trauma Center, who support their sudden, transformative journey.

When their world stops turning, old priorities suddenly become meaningless. In that moment, the team’s purpose becomes startlingly simple. All that remains is the one team with one purpose, to save, and then rebuild their future. When tomorrow is too late, we stand together for one night.

The meaning is three-fold. Primarily, “one” refers to the singular focus the trauma center’s staff devotes to each life, reflecting their unified teamwork. It is also a subtle reference to the level one trauma care center. Finally it celebrates excellence in trauma care, emphasizing the life-saving decisions often made in one hour or even one minute.

We selected a thin font to help symbolize just how fragile life is. Finally, the words are flanked by a watercolored symbol of a solar eclipse. When a family experiences a traumatic event, it often eclipses everything else for those moments. Similarly, when doctors are making those critical decisions in the trauma bay, their own thoughts are eclipsed by their responsibility as caregivers – giving them complete focus on their job and their patient.

Cybis developed a range of collateral beyond the identity, including web e-vites, program booklets, direct mailers and meter boards to promote the event.

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