Because Cybis offers Total Show Management, we are able to completely tailor a live experience, ranging from the initial creative sketches to the final event production. One of the core components of this execution is a well-crafted script.

For Pennsylvania FBLA, we were tasked with producing an entire event around the theme Excellence in Action. Almost immediately, our scriptwriters got to work outlining our client’s goals for the event, and tailoring pivotal moments in the script’s message around their theme, Excellence in Action.

One way we pride ourselves is how we directly involve ourselves with the on-stage VIPs well in advance of the event. Several months out, we solicit their feedback and ideas for the show, giving them a unique, direct opportunity to craft their message with us from the very beginning, since they, after all, will be the ones on-stage ready to inspire their peers!

At Cybis, our scriptwriters work in tandem with our creative team, our client, and their VIPs to prepare scripts that are engaging and represent our client’s theme, and broader message, to the fullest.

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