Cybis made its way to Anaheim, California to produce the BPA National Leadership Conference for over 6,000 attendees. Through graphics, lights, and decor, Cybis turned the “Shoot for Success” NLC into a dazzling red carpet event!

BPA members experienced the A-list treatment as they stepped into the spotlight and onto the red carpet, welcoming them to the Anaheim Convention Center in style. Featuring a live emcee and randomly-selected audience members, celebrity-style interviews were shown live on screen across the web.

This show was so rewarding to work on because we were able to bring the big Hollywood awards feel to thousands of deserving students; making them the star of their own show. You could see their excitement as they were walking down the red carpet. I think it is all about providing the audience the best experience in an event and it was great to be able to deliver that.-Chase Simonds, Cybis Associate Producer

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