In preparation for HOSA’s International Leadership Conference―the first of its kind, including members from other countries around the world―Cybis used its 22 years of experience producing live shows to develop some of its most creative work. With an audience that required the use of two Disney resort ballrooms, Cybis needed to design two unique stages that would captivate those in each room. The team involved in the stage design process integrated some of Cybis’ most elaborate designs for the HOSA sets. Adorned with hand-made structures that shined and amazed, both stages were designed to be easily seen by over 10,000 attendees – both Cybis and HOSA’s largest audience in their decade of partnership.

Faced with such a large conference, the Cybis team was motivated to think outside the box and breathe extra creative life into the production. What the team came up with was all-encompassing―big stages with multiple screens, ballrooms full of color, lighting and construction of the stages used to create volume and depth on the set with different textures and dynamic designs―the integration of everything enveloped the action happening up front.

With the extravagant stage designs in place, it was up to the rest of the team to make everything flow together. Calculated stage choreography coupled with predetermined camera shots and dazzling graphics projected on a 60-foot LED video screen allowed us to highlight all of the important accomplishments of those dedicated to HOSA’s cause. Cybis not only wanted to celebrate HOSA’s 40th International Leadership Conference, but to also emphasize in a big way the critical need of health professionals in our society.

In order to convey the important message of this huge organization, the Cybis team came up with a purpose-driven video to kick off the beginning of the conference. The introduction portrayed HOSA’s mission while inspiring the audience to pursue the various health fields that exist and have yet to be created. The video incorporated the large LED screen as well as (12) 4K televisions and two 20-foot projection screens to physically emphasize the huge impact of HOSA-Future Health Professionals. In addition to communicating the benefits of joining a health profession and making a difference, the video itself was designed to catalyze the passions of the audience members and motivate them to “lead, learn, serve, and innovate.”

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