For HOSA’s 2013 National Leadership Conference, Cybis debuted a state-of-the-art projection mapping set.

Over two months, we designed and produced the entire stage from the ground up: beginning with the initial concepts and renders, through the physical construction of nearly forty 3D cubes, the technical logistics of flawlessly blending four high-powered projectors, and the creative design and animation for nearly 300 graphics which displayed behind the on-stage talent.

The biggest challenge was reinventing our approaches for so many elements of the 3D set. Never before had we designed content around a 3D surface, let alone rendered them in a format that would seamlessly play and map across this many projectors. It’s a huge testament to our team’s dedication to answer so many unknowns without running a full-scale test until we were on-site.”– Allen Ellis, Senior Creative Producer

The 40’ wide by 16’ canvas presented a unique way to display the session’s content, while showcasing stunning imagery. The dimensional set also featured a VIP archway for high-profile VIP’s and an overhead, floating beam with continually scrolling content.

The most inspiring part of this project was the way we brought all of our departments together. Our stage designers were working with our scriptwriters and graphics designers to coordinate the blocking and graphic layouts for each of the show’s most pivotal moments.– Danny Spors, Associate Producer

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