December 22, 2024

At Cybis Productions we pride ourselves in strong and effective communication and collaboration.

Through a growing suite of cloud docs, our production team ensures everyone has access to the latest thorough details, so we can efficiently pursue the same goal on-site - your show's success! For decades, our team has raved about the way Cybis organizes and advances event info to all players.

I used to assume this was standard across the industry, but, wow, far from it! I've learned about how many projects employ team members who show up without the slightest awareness of the organization, the show, the mission, etc. For Cybis, that's just the beginning – and all designed to ensure we are collaborating with the audience experience on top of mind.

Our team takes ownership and pride in their work as leaders of their role. They are collaborators in co-creating events for clients. For everybody to be on the same page and working towards the same goal, you've got to have all the information available.

To make this happen, we zealously prepare these key documents:

Of course this doesn’t stop with just our team, sharing real-time information with our clients is also key. 

In the last few months, we’ve been really intent on providing a lot of details in advance, and we’re still pressing forward to improve that and share more with all parties. 

Our team appreciates that we’re providing the wealth of resources they need to perform at their best. They’ve called this out a lot, especially when welcoming new folks to our team, we often hear “Wow, you guys are really thorough,” and they love it.

Another key piece to our success is that we’re always trying to improve. After every event, we gather the team to reflect on what went really well and document how we can improve. 

We celebrate our wins, tackle challenges head-on, and brainstorm creative solutions together. Some of our best production innovations have come from these post-show conversations, and it's amazing to see how one team member's suggestion can transform into a new best practice that elevates all our future events.

Talking about "Gathering"...

With our team working from across the globe, one of my favorite ways Cybis collaborates is our remote Virtual Headquarters in Gather

Our core team gets a virtual desk they customize and make their own, and anyone can pop in when they're online to get instant answers from other team members. I'm obsessed with this because it's made our communications a lot more streamlined and it's been a lot of fun to "gather" everyone in one place for our team pre- and post-event reviews!

When our team has everything they need at their fingertips, they work stronger, faster, and more unified - delivering the exceptional shows Cybis is known for.


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